About You

- You’re concerned about what’s going on in the world right now and the effect it will have on you and your business.
- You want preserve what you’ve built and even to grow but you’re not exactly sure where to go, however you have LOTS of ideas.
- You know that you’re bogged down in the detail of the business at the moment and would love to do a course to learn new things, but you just don’t have the time.
- You think you might be at the point where you might need a non-executive director but you’re not exactly sure what that is.
- It frustrates you that your competition are continually copying you.
- You want to learn but at the coalface, you don’t need spoon feeding, you need the time to think it through, a bit of unblocking here and there and then reminding to keep on track.
- Nobody realises how tough it is at the top, how tiring and lonely it can be and how nice it would be if someone just said that you’ve done a great job every now and again.
- You’re ready to change things up and need some advice…
About Me

My prediction is that you probably saw the words Boundary Scout and popped to the Boundary Scout page and have a bit of an idea about me now – but you’re still not quite sure who I am and what I can do for you.
So let’s resolve that for you right now.
First and foremost I’m an entrepreneur, I’m running my own businesses and advising a couple of others.
I love to find innovative solutions and ways forward, (see where the boundary scout is coming from?? ;)) and helping others nail their vision and focus on delivering it is where I feel I can add the best value for people.
So I’m most certainly an entrepreneur who mentors others, rather than a mentor who used to be an entrepreneur – and that means that when you work with me, you get the things I am thinking about learning in the field right now.
I’ve worked in corporate companies and smaller entrepreneurial ones, across most departments in the companies I’ve been with and this has given me a really wide range of experience and as your guide, that makes me invaluable to you.
Special powers : I help ambitious entrepreneurs see a clear path for their businesses that they can’t see and I keep them focused on delivering it, profitably.
What have I been through that’s relevant for you right now?
I’ve lived through a few recessions now, so I know how to bake resilience into your company.
I’ve done a start-up, I’ve worked for big corporate companies. I’ve raised millions of pounds in funding and I’ve had to run a business with zero funds to speak of. I’ve grown companies and employed people and I’ve lost business and had to lay them off. I’ve had more sleepless nights than I care to remember and I’ve sold companies and made really good returns on investment for shareholders and employees. I’ve made big mistakes and sorted out how to move forward and I’ve come up with life changing business ideas and designs. I discovered my love for business paths here – setting course and heading off into the wild blue yonder!
To keep ahead in business, you ideally need to have innovative solutions for growth and at least a Plan B in case things don’t work out – and it’s hard to develop these in the cut and thrust of busy running the business time. So I’ll help you to get up and out of the business, to look where you don’t normally look and to think about the things you don’t normally consider and then you’ll come up with your next steps, put a plan together and then focus on delivering it.
Learning-wise, I think doing things, making mistakes and moving on from them is one of the best schools you can go to – but I do also like to check out book learning as well, so I’m a qualified management accountant and I have an MBA with a side of Operations Management qualification, I’ve also been an Executive and a non-Executive Director on a number of boards. I’ve been an honorary Fellow at the Exeter University Centre for Leadership which is where I absolutely fell in love with innovation and having the courage to move ahead of the pack. I coached entrepreneurs when I ran my consultancy business and now I just love doing business, thinking about business, thinking about where business needs to change – I’m just a bit obsessed about helping businesses move forward really!
I know that inviting someone in to help you look at your company is sometimes hard, so although I don’t sugar coat things, I am respectful and empathetic because I know how hard you will have worked to get to where you are now.
Background info for you…
Any entrepreneur worth their salt checks people out before they commit, All of my social media links are below, I’m most active on InstagramTM and LinkedIn TM – tune in for a while and see what you think.
Please do connect with me and say hi or ask any questions.
To save you some time, here are the links for my current key business interests:-
Plus I do the Strategy & business development for www.blackdownshepherdhuts.co.uk and a confidential client.
I’m also a wife, mum and a lover of cake 😉
I know this looks a lot, but I can assure you, I’m not Superwoman, I have a fab team and I work on, not in my businesses and I use the same framework to run all of them – the one that I share with my paying clients.

How can we work together?
If you like what you see and want to journey with me for a while, the best place to start is to sign up for my Words to the Wise Newsletter. You’ll also get my free PDF, which is only available to subscribers, outlining the 3 things that I think every business owner should be thinking about in the strange times we’re in right now. It’s a good little insight into the way I think and the sort of advice you get from me. I won’t spam you and you can opt out any time.
Sign up to the Words to the Wise newsletter here.
Alternatively, you can pop to my shop here and pick up my ‘Reset for Success’ e-workbook that you can work through at your own pace, it’s not a freebie but it is jam-packed with things I’ve learnt that will help you make essential changes to shore you up for the future, moving you ahead of your competition and will generate you way more money than the £25 investment.
Lastly, we can spend an hour together on the phone or zoom, going through a chewy topic of your choice. These are best used when you’re stuck and can’t see a way forward on something that needs to change. I’ll send you a few email questions before we chat and then we’ll work through your issue together. Often just bouncing the issue around with someone new who has business and mentor experience will break that block and catapult you forward.
Book your Get Unstuck call here
Finally, whether you choose to work with me or someone else, I’d really encourage you to book the time to work on, not in your business. Getting up and out of your business is liberating, it reconnects you to that vibrant entrepreneurial energy, it allows you to build a resilient business that is focused on going forward.
The business will be less reliant on you to run on a day-to-day basis and you will have more freedom to explore future potential, and in turn build growth into your business and gain some time back for yourself.
Thanks for reading, I hope to see you around.